Monday, October 21, 2013

Ylen verinen neuvostoaikoja kaipaava paskatuutti suolsi disfinfoaan jälleen puna-armeijan urheudesta ymv:sta 18.10.2013 Danzigissa olleesta "Raskaana olevan naisen raiskaavasta puna-armeijan sotilaasta patsaan ns. uutisen yhteydessä. Yle ja punatrollit haluavat unohtaa että koko itäinen eurooppa joutui puna-armeijan raiskaamaksi ja terrorin kohteeksi kansanmurhineen. Paremmin uutisoitu: RED ARMY ATROCITIES: RAPE AS A WEAPON

Ylen verinen neuvostoaikoja ja stalinismia kaipaava paskatuutti suolsi disfinfoaan jälleen puna-armeijan urheudesta ymv:sta 18.10.2013 Danzigissa olleesta "Raskaana olevan naisen raiskaavasta puna-armeijan sotilaasta patsaan ns. uutisen yhteydessä. Yle ja punatrollit haluavat unohtaa että koko itäinen eurooppa joutui puna-armeijan raiskaamaksi ja terrorin kohteeksi kansanmurhineen

Samalla lämmöllä kuin otetaan ylen kommarituutissa ns. Venäjän suurlähettilään lausuntoja pitäisi sitten vaalia Adolf Hitlerin muistoa ja kuviakin ;)?

Jopa Israelin parlamentissa kunnioitetaan Israelin valtion perustajaa Adolf Hitleriä heilaamalla raivokkaasti samoin militaristisin toimin ja sanoin islamistinaapureita kohtaan ;)

Alkuperäistä puolalaista tmv:a uutisia ei noteerattu eikä youtubeen siirrettyä videota aiheesta. Miksi ei?

Paremmin uutisoitu mm:

Ohessa ko. Ylen paskatuutin ns uutinen ja tarkennuksia siihen:

"UUTISET ULKOMAAT Ulkomaat 18.10.2013 klo 18:05

Venäjän lähettiläs raivostui raiskauspatsaasta Gdanskissa (Danzig se on aivan kuten Viipuri on Viipuri) 

(Miehittäjä-Rosvon rosvosaalistajan edustaja tottakai ei halua, että totuus tulee ilmi puna-armeijan rosvoretkistä ja raiskaavista murhamiehistä ) 

Raskaana olevan naisen raiskaamista esittävä patsas tuotiin lauantaina neuvostoliittolaisen muistomerkin viereen. Patsas ehti olla paikallaan muutamia tunteja. 
( Miksi sitä ei jätetty paikoilleen? Sopisi olemaan oikein hyvin ko. paikassa ) 

Raiskaavaa neuvostoliittolaista sotilasta esittävän patsaan ilmestyminen muutamaksi tunniksi Gdanskiin on nostattanut raivoa sekä Puolassa että Venäjällä. ( Mistähän syystä ja keiden raivoa? )

Tapauksesta kertoo saksalainen Spiegel Online -uutissivusto. ( Ei ollut ainoa taho) Jerzy Bohdan Szumczykin betoninen patsas esittää sotilasta, joka on raiskaamassa pitkällä raskaana olevaa naista. Luonnollisen kokoisessa patsaassa sotilas, ase kädessään, on polvistuneena maassa makaavan naisen jalkojen välissä. Sotilaan kypärä on puna-armeijan käyttämää mallia. Patsas ilmestyi Gdanskin Aleja Zwyciestwalle eli Voitonkadulle neuvostoliittolaisen panssarivaunun viereen viime lauantaina. Kommunismin kaudella paikalle asetetulla panssarivaunulla halutaan muistaa Gdanskin vapauttamista (huomio: väitetystä) natsihallinnosta vuonna 1945. 

Taiteilija halusi kuvata kärsimystä Ilman lupaa pystytetty "Komm, Frau" -niminen patsas poistettiin yön jälkeen. 26-vuotias Szumczyk sanoo halunneensa kuvata patsaallaan raiskauksien uhrien kärsimyksiä. Szumczykiä uhkaa nyt syyte kansallismielisen vihan kiihottamisesta. Rikoksesta voi seurata kahden vuoden vankeustuomio. 

Venäjän Varsovan-suurlähettiläs Aleksander Aleksejev sanoo olevansa tyrmistynyt siitä, että tällaisella pseudotaiteella tahrataan niiden 600 000 neuvostosotilaan muistoa ( Kyllä siellä vielä elää niitä raiskattuja pikkulapsia ja naisia, jotka eivät halua muistella puna-armeijan tekoja), jotka antoivat henkensä taistelussa "Puolan vapauden ja itsenäisyyden puolesta". ( Vitsi varmaankin: Ryssä ryösti itäisen Puolan väestöineen jo 1939. Sodan jälkeen 1945 karkoitti miljoonia puolalaisia Saksalta ryöstetyille alueille eli siirsi Puolaa länteen ja ottaen isommat Puolan alueet itselleen)

Moscow Times -lehden haastattelussa Aleksejev vaatii Puolan viranomaisilta asiaankuluuvia toimia. Patsas on aiheuttanut vilkasta keskustelua internetin keskustelupalstoilla. Erään kirjoittajan mukaan patsaalla ei haluta loukata neuvostosotilaita, vaan kyse on uhrin hiljaisesta tuskanhuudosta. Toiset kommentoivat, että seksuaalista väkivaltaa on koettu kaikkialla, ei vain toisessa maailmansodassa. Neuvostosotilaiden tekemät raiskaukset lisääntyivät rajusti toisen maailmansodan viimeisinä kuukausina. Gdanskissa eli tuolloin vielä saksalaisessa Danzigin kaupungissa uhrit olivat usein saksalaisia. ( Ylen toimittaja pyrkii johtamaan harhaan. Miten niin usein? Kyseinen kaupunki oli liki 100% saksalaisten asuttama) Venäjällä neuvostosotilaiden tekemistä rikoksista ei ole juuri keskusteltu." (Ylen ns. uutisen lainauksen loppu)


Stalinin raiskaus- ja murhatyöt yhdessä liittoutuneiden sotarikosten kanssa halutaan unohtaa: 


It is believed that as many as 2 million women were raped by Red army officers, many of them several times over.

Many had to have abortions or be treated for the syphilis they caught from being raped by different men.
Children born out of the abuses were called Russenbabies and most were abandoned and left to die.
Stalin explicitly condoned rape as a method of rewarding the soldiers and terrorising German civilians.
His Police chief Lavrenti Beria was himself a serial rapist, a number of testimonies exist detailing how women and girls were grabbed off the streets and bundled into his limousine.
It is believed that more than 100 school-aged girls and young women were drugged and raped by Beria who ran the NKVD, the feared forerunner to the KGB.

The Red Army's atrocities against women in Dresden in the spring of 1945, a city that had already suffered heavily from Allied bombing, were carried out in a particularly sickening and systematic manner.
Women were dragged out of their homes and raped in the street in front of their husbands who were forced to watch. Then more often than not the men were shot.

As well as the estimated two million rapes in Germany, there were between 70,000 and 100,000 in Vienna and anywhere from 50,000 to 200,000 in Hungary, as well as thousands more in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

There are even accounts of women who had been liberated from concentration camps, emaciated and still wearing prison uniforms, being raped by Russian soldiers.

Richard Evans, Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, wrote a book on the topic in which he recounts the extreme violence of many of the encounters. He wrote: 'Rape was often accompanied by torture and mutilation and frequently ends in the victim being shot or bludgeoned to death. The raging violence was undiscriminating.'

Read more: 


Koko uutinen:

A statue that shows a Soviet soldier raping a pregnant woman as he holds a gun to her head has been removed and the artist arrested by authorities in northern Poland. 
The statue, entitled Komm Frau (Come Here Woman), appeared on Gdansk's Avenue of Victory on
Saturday evening. 
Artist Jerzy Szumczyk told Polish Radio he had researched the subject of rape by the
Red Army as it made its way across Eastern Europe between 1944 and 1945 towards Berlin

Ylen toimittaja jättää mm oheiset asiat pois: 

'The matter will now be taken up on Monday by the prosecutor's office.'

Before Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Gdansk was a free city and more than 95 per cent of people living in Gdansk at the time were German. 
But millions of German women were raped by Red Army soldiers between 1944 and 1945 during the dying days of Nazis Germany. 
Polish women and even Russian women released from captivity were also raped with numbers reaching 100,000.


Gdansk's old town where women were raped as the Red Army made its way towards Berlin
The Nazis invasion of Russia, Operation Barbarossa, resulted in 30 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union losing their lives while more than three million starved in German prisoner of war camps. 
Rape and murder were common elements of the Nazi advance through Russia
However, the Germans also suffered a similar fate when Russian troops retook their land and swarmed into Germany. 
During the Battle of Berlin more than a million German soldiers were killed, or later died in captivity.
The rape began as soon as the Red Army entered East Prussia in 1944. In many towns, every female between 10 and 89 was attacked. Soviet soldiers often carried out the assaults in front of their husbands and family as an added humiliation. 
A Red Army War Memorial in Berlin became known as the 'tomb of the unknown rapist'. 


It is believed that as many as 2 million women were raped by Red army officers, many of them several times over.
Many had to have abortions or be treated for the syphilis they caught from being raped by different men. 
Children born out of the abuses were called Russenbabies and most were abandoned and left to die. 
Stalin explicitly condoned rape as a method of rewarding the soldiers and terrorising German civilians.
His Police chief Lavrenti Beria was himself a serial rapist, a number of testimonies exist detailing how women and girls were grabbed off the streets and bundled into his limousine. 
It is believed that more than 100 school-aged girls and young women were drugged and raped by Beria who ran the NKVD, the feared forerunner to the KGB.
The Red Army's atrocities against women in Dresden in the spring of 1945, a city that had already suffered heavily from Allied bombing, were carried out in a particularly sickening and systematic manner.
Women were dragged out of their homes and raped in the street in front of their husbands who were forced to watch. Then more often than not the men were shot.
As well as the estimated two million rapes in Germany, there were between 70,000 and 100,000 in Vienna and anywhere from 50,000 to 200,000 in Hungary, as well as thousands more in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
There are even accounts of women who had been liberated from concentration camps, emaciated and still wearing prison uniforms, being raped by Russian soldiers.
Richard Evans, Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, wrote a book on the topic in which he recounts the extreme violence of many of the encounters. He wrote: 'Rape was often accompanied by torture and mutilation and frequently ends in the victim being shot or bludgeoned to death. The raging violence was undiscriminating.'

Read more:
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18.10.2013 09:04
Public prosecutors in Gdansk have dropped an investigation into the illegal installation of a statue portraying a Soviet soldier raping a pregnant woman.
Photo: Jerzy Szumczyk
Artist Jerzy Szumczyk, a fifth year student at Gdansk's Academy of Arts had installed the statue on the city's Avenue of Victory (Aleja Zwyciestwa) late on Saturday evening.
The statue was removed by police, and an investigation launched into whether there had been “a public incitement to hatred on the basis of nationality”, a crime which can warrant a two year-prison sentence.
“Prosecutors did not detect a crime in the conduct of the prospective perpetrator,” confirmed Jolanta Janikowska-Matusiak, head of the Gdansk-Wrzeszcz District Prosecutor's Office.
She noted that the matter will now be handed over to police, who may however fine the artist for carrying out an “indecent prank.” The maximim fine for such an offence is 1500 zloty (360 euros).
Russia's ambassador to Poland Alexander Alexeyev had condemned the action.
“I am deeply outraged by the prank of this student from the Gdansk Academy of Fine Arts,” he said.
“With his pseudo-art, he has insulted the memory of over 600,000 Soviet soldiers who fell in the struggle for the freedom and independence of the Poland.”
He descibed the action as “an attempt to sow discord between our nations.”
Szumczyk has said that he created Komm Frau (Come Here Woman) so as to show “the tragedy of these women.”
Historians have estimated that over 1 million German women were raped by Soviet soldiers from 1944-45.
Prior to the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Gdansk was a free city (Danzig). Over 95 percent of the inhabitants were German.
The rape of Polish women was also commonplace (1944-47) during the Soviet liberation of Poland, although to a significantly lesser degree, with highest estimates at 100,000. (nh)
Source: PAP
- See more at:,Prosecutors-drop-Red-Army-rape-statue-case#sthash.aOhXY7FK.dpuf


Puolassa muistetaan että myös puolaiset naiset joutuivat puna-armeijan raiskaamiksi:,Red-Army-rape-statue-removed-in-Gdansk

14.10.2013 08:53
An illegally installed statue of a Soviet soldier raping a pregnant woman has been removed in Gdansk, northern Poland.
Photo: Jerzy Szumczyk
“The artist was detained and released after questioning,” police spokesperson Aleksandra Siewert told Polish Radio.
“The matter will be taken up on Monday by the prosecutor's office,” she confirmed.
The statue, entitled Komm Frau (Come Here Woman) was installed on Gdansk's Avenue of Victory (Aleja Zwyciestwa) late on Saturday evening.
Artist Jerzy Szumczyk, a fifth year student at Gdansk's Academy of Fine Arts, told Polish Radio that he had read extensively on the subject of rape by the Red Army as it advanced across Eastern Europe towards Berlin from 1944-45.
Szumczyk claimed he “was unable to cope with it” and so created a statue to express his feelings.
Historians have estimated that over 1 million German women were raped by Soviet soldiers from 1944-45.
Prior to the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Gdansk was a free city (Danzig). Over 95 percent of the inhabitants were German.
The rape of Polish women was also commonplace (1944-47) during the Soviet liberation of Poland, although to a significantly lesser degree, with highest estimates at 100,000. (nh)
- See more at:,Red-Army-rape-statue-removed-in-Gdansk#sthash.7teVnmmP.dpuf


Mietteitä Suomen armeija vs sivarius: Ottaen huomioon näytteet omina kokemuksina ja tuttujen kokemuksina liki 50 v ajalta, niin voi sanoa, että jos on pakko puuhastella valtion hyväksi, niin Ville Hautakangas teki ihan oikean ratkaisun. Olihan se hupaisaa 1982 syksyllä leikkiä atomiviitoissa, kuinka ydinlaskeuma kaavitaan viitalta pois ihan oikeasti. 
Miehittäjä-Ryssän kurakalustoa Parola täynnä. Jos oltaisiin Naton jäseniä ja Naton kalustolla, niin hommalla olisi jtkn mielekkyyttä - Seppo Lehto vapaussoturien perinnejääkäri 

Rosvo-käki presidentti Vladimir Putin on pelkkä Leninin ja Stalinin jälkeisissä elävä parasiittimiehittäjän ja kommunistihallinnon jatke ja edustaja, joka puhuu vähemmistöistä, kun itse edustamansa Moskovan oblasti muita alueita on ahminut itseensä, niin toki ko. kansoja on Moskovaan ymv:iien paikkoihin tullut. Pitää muistaa, että Mokovan oblasti oli alun perin vain n. Puolan kokoinen, kaikki muu on toisten alueille tunkeutumista ja väestö sen mukaan:

